
"We're going camping now...."

Alright. Everyone sit down now. So.... What was Large group about?

"yes, Penny, thank you for raising your hand."


"Yes, there were eggs in the story."

"Andy, what did the eggs, that got smashed all over Trevor, mean?"


"Rules, yes, or commandments."

"Can you keep all the rules that God gave us? Remember, if you break one command then God says you have broken them all!"

"No teacher! That is impossible!"

"You are right. No one can. What does the Bible say will happen if you break even one? Steven?"

"You die. But teacher this is not true. It is just a story"

"Actually, this IS true. It is what I believe, and it is what all the other American teachers in this camp believe. " "But I will tell you more of what I believe... Sure no one can be perfect, we all know that. And God knew that too. So He sent His Son, and came down as a man. He lived the perfect life for us, and then He died for us taking OUR punishment on Himself."

"Yes, Steven?"

"But this is Taiwan, and we believe other thing, you are from America and you believe other thing."

"Actually Steven, I have some Taiwanese friends that are Christians"
"I am not trying to force you to believe this, It is your decision and it is your responsibility. But I don't want you to die. So I have to say something. OK? If you have any questions please feel free to ask."


This is very very close to what our class was like. The only other thing was that my TA Sally translated it as much as she could word for word. And she usually does not translate everything. So if there was a doubt in the students mind of what I was saying in English, Sally translated it in Chinese. I did not get any questions later from the students. But they seemed to respond to me in a different and better way after that. That day I went on to teach one of our country lessons and about a famous song 'Amazing Grace', and the story of John Newton and how he came to write that song. Usually our lessons are not so serious. But my 13 students and TA (Teacher's Assistant), paid very close attention.

I know I have not posted in awhile. And maybe some of you know why, and some of you do not know why. I am working on my testimony of what happened to me about a month ago. And hope to post it soon.