
I'm off to Gou shong

Today was different.... it was interesting.... it was .....Fun!

And I think it will continue to be that way for the rest of the day.

Sarah's letting me use her backpack. I really should have brought one with me from the US. I had no idea how many little weekend "trips" I would be taking while here in Taiwan. Teresa called me last night and asked if I would like to go with her and Grace to Gou shong (spelling?). And today I asked Dad about it some more, and so I'll be going!

One of the teachers fallowing their class today brought in this coffee making contraption, you know, the kind that you put the ground coffee in and you light a fire under the water and it boils up into the coffee and then seeps back down? kinda looks like a science experiment.... actually it probably is. Anyway, she gave me coffee today in cooking class! after all the thousands of students and teachers I've seen that has NEVER happened, even close. No teacher ever thought of bringing in refreshment for the English teachers.

I better go... it is 3:37pm and I need to pack the rest of the way and get out the door to leave at 4pm.

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