
Thursday, May 11th

Thursday, May 11thThis morning we went to Vitsamo, a juice factory that is run by a Christian man. We teach his staff about character, and how to apply it. Today we talked about gratefulness. And how to not just think, “I am so thankful for such, and such?, but to express your thankfulness in words as well as with your actions. Ex: you tell your Mom how grateful you are for cooking a meal and how good it is, and then when you are done you start helping with clean up. That is expressing your thanks by your words and your actions. We where able to get a tour of the factory. It was neat to see how they used even the old bottles and the process of cleaning them before they are used again. This evening our group went to a church and taught Mongolian Pastors and Sunday school teachers how to teach character, and since it is a church group we are able to talk about some of the commands of God, and how these character qualities are related to obeying them.

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