
Thursday, May 18

Thursday, May 18Happy 18th Birthday Ben! Today I did the most training that I have done so far. I was allotted about 35 min of speaking time training the World Vision district leaders how to teach these Character qualities to others. Really we are just teaching the character qualities to them and then we provide some materials that they can purchase to aid in them passing on what they learned. One of the ladies, a social worker, said that the Government knows what we are doing and is very thankful to us and so she gave us a gift from them. They provided lunch for us after the training. It was something that looked a lot like the Chinese dumplings but bigger and not as good (to me). J They were full of mutton. Usually the meat that they use in their dishes has a lot of fat and chewy parts of the meat still in it. So it was a little difficult to eat. We were also serve what they call milk tea. Now, when I was in Taiwan they had some really good milk tea, nice and sweet, but the Mongolian version of milk tea is a little salty, not sweet. It tasted like salty chalk water. But I hear that some of the milk tea they have here can be good, but I have yet to try it. JWe have also been able to go to meetings with Christian groups from MIU, other churches, as well as the one we go to now, and help to disciple them. One of the blessings with teaching Character to the Schools, government, and businesses, (and even though we are not allowed to teach about God in the actual classes) is that we are able to have contacts and friends with groups that we would not normally be able to have contact with. We are sharing about what the Bible teaches though, and then as we get to know more and more of these different groups and the people in them, we share with them the gospel. Different people in CTI have been able to lead many to Christ. (Romans 2:12-16). “They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing…? and when you start sharing with them the Character and principles that are from Scripture. People say, “Yes, this is true!? And then they come to us and ask questions about it. Please pray that we will be open and take the opportunities that the Lord gives us to share the gospel. Please pray for the Waller family, they leave on the 22nd, Monday morning. There will be a big gap in our team here in Mongolia, and we will have to cut back on some of the things we can do. Pray that I will be able to see what needs there may be that I can help fill. Thank you all for your prayers!

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